Counting Electric Sheep Requests Thread
With the Sessions series of Counting Electric Sheep sets coming to an end (as a reminder, Sessions started with set #20), it's time to prepare for the next series. This series begins with the 30th set and will be centred around requests for anime theme songs from fans of CES (yes, I'm talking about YOU 😁). It's a chance for people to get involved and help to determine which themes will be featured in each set of this series, and hey, if there's plenty of interest and plenty of input then maybe this format will become the regular format for CES. So how should you make your request? There are two ways:
1) Tell me the name of the artist(s), the title of the song and the anime where the song was featured.
2) If you don't know the names of artist(s) or the title of the song then just tell me the name of the anime and indicate if the song was an opening theme or ending theme. I'll take care of the rest.
When you send in your request please include an "anime-style" nickname for yourself, because I will add that nickname in the tracklist of the set that features the song that you requested. Plus, as a little extra bonus, in the video version of that set your nickname will be shown alongside the cover art of your requested song. Not bad eh? Please leave your requests in the comments section of this post or if you prefer to send your request by email then you can do that to OR if you still love Twitter, tweet me @MrTKAllen and use the hashtag #CESR together with your request.
I really enjoyed putting together and sharing the Sessions series of CES with fellow anime fans, it made me appreciate anime soundtracks in a way that I hadn't done before (because it's usually the anime themes that grab all the attention, right? Not much left for the soundtracks) and I hope you enjoyed those sets. Maybe they motivated you to check out the anime that they were composed for.
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