Checking In (Wednesday 23 August 2023)

A big thanks to my friend Ezra for helping me out with my old HP laptop and for the new Dell machine that he was kind enough to sell when the old one could not be saved (except for the RAM chip and harddrive). I've been trying it out for a few days now, so far so good. What's left is to install my usual programs and the work can really resume. Part 1 of the MultiMangaverse Episode 12 is available now in audio form, with the video version to follow in a couple of days then I hope to record Part 2 on Sunday. It feels good to get back into the content work after a month of running around with the old machine and trying to figure out what to do about it. I only started as a content creator a few years ago but I've grown to enjoy typing up walkthroughs, recording and (very, very, very, very super basic) editing audio and video, making notes and reading up in preparation for one of the comic book or manga series. Self-taught and it's all a one-man operation here, I can be h...