
Showing posts from 2024

Checking In (Saturday 16 March 2024)

It is Saturday morning as I am typing this and I am happy to let you know that power was restored here yesterday afternoon! Phew I was getting worried that we would be going to another weekend without electricity and had to wait until next week for the crew from the power company to show up and do their work. But we can't celebrate for too long because like I said in the previous post, sooner or later other cables will be stolen and once again the residents will have to pay for new ones and the cycle goes on. If residents were more organised and willing to set up a proper neighbourhood watch team, there might not be any more cable thefts or burglaries for that matter (because with a lot of residents having solar panels, they become potential targets for thieves), but from what I've heard from the old man so far there's not much organisation among residents. So for the time being, we are okay and just have to worry about loadshedding because I am sure that hasn't gone aw

Checking In (Thursday 14 March 2024)

Hello hello. Apologies for the silence and no follow-up post after House of Sounds 34, I have been offline because of (you might have guessed it) power issues. Our fantastic*, amazing*, gold standard level* (citation needed for what has an astetisk) national power company introduced another round of loadshedding recently. It went into effect in our area last Wednesday, power goes around 10am and returns just before 6pm from what I noticed on the day up to Friday. Then as if that wasn't lousy enough, on Saturday morning we woke up to find no power. Naturally I thought "Oh, a super early power cut. Could mean power will be back around lunchtime, okay." But lunchtime came and went, no power. 6pm came and went, no power. Sunday morning rolled in and still nothing. What's the deal? We would find out later in the day that cables had been stolen early Saturday morning. The last time cable theft happened here was around this time LAST YEAR. Things became slightly better ever

Allen Cee's House of Sounds Episode 34 (Tuesday 20 February 2024)

[ recorded on Thursday 15 February 2024 ] Apologies for the late recording and late upload, I got super busy last week and the initial plan to record over the previous weekend was a big fail and then I had no internet access this past weekend. In this episode we pick up from where we left off in Episode 33 with Kentphonik from Soul Candi Sessions 3 , then Kiloo & Phonique, Four to the Floor and a little more :) Health Update: I am a-okay now and can get back to the podcasts! What's coming up next? Episode 4 of Asterix and the Indomitable Audio Series, which takes a look at Asterix the Gladiator , so please make a note of that and stay tuned. BitChute Video: YouTube Video: Video Playlist: Vault of Sounds Playlist:

Checking In (Saturday 10 February 2024)

Here's hoping your week has gone well, hello. I've been dealing with a nasty little cough since the previous week, so I'm holding off on recording anything that involves my voice until I'm back to 100%. But I am planning to record House of Sounds over the weekend, you can look forward to that. The Whatsapp Channel is available, that's where I'll post updates and notify you when new content is up so please check that out and give it a follow.  Counting Electric Sheep 29 is available, if you haven't checked it out please do. It is the last set in the Sessions series, showcasing songs from Fairy Tail 's first soundtrack. I've included the link to the CES request thread too because now I can start taking requests for the next series so you can send them in.  I've begun my next walkthrough, it's for Vytron's Pokemon Saiph 2. You might be familiar with his previous games Pokemon Sors and Pokemon Saiph, so you can be sure that this one is anot

Counting Electric Sheep Sessions X (CES29 The Anime Laws of Magic, Might, Myth & Fairy Tail)

  It took a bit but here it is, the final set in the Sessions series (for now?). The focus for this one is the first original soundtrack for the Fairy Tail anime. It was composed by Yasuharu Takanashi and released on the 6th of June 2010. Even after all these years the soundtrack still holds up, with plenty of songs that made you get hyped for many of the awesome battles that were in the anime.  A big thank you to everyone who has been following Counting Electric Sheep, not just from CES 20 when Sessions began but from the first set. I hope you are looking forward to the next series of sets which starts with CES 30. I put up a post about this some time ago so after checking out this set head over to that post. Video version: Archive: Video playlist: 01 OST: Ya

Checking In (Wednesday 24 January 2024)

 If I haven't said it to you by now then Happy 2024! I hope you jumped into the new year safe and sound. How has it been treating you so far? I am doing well enough, no drama just yet but you never know what's coming around the corner :) I just hope to tackle whatever appears as best as I can and continue to move forward, so let's see what 2024 will dish out. The Whatsapp Channel is now LIVE, so please check it out and follow it to stay up to date with the content. My review of Netflix's One Piece live-action series is out now. Any feedback that you have about the series, you can share it with me in the comments section. Let me know what you thought of the series. The  walkthrough  is out now for the demo of Pokemon Wish . A nice introduction to what I am certain could be another big game so check it out. The  redone episodes of House of Sounds are all there, finally, and we can get back to the regular releases.  A slow and steady start as far as rolling out conten

Pokemon Wish 1.02 (30 August 2023 Demo) Walkthrough

  Platform: Game Boy Advance Hack of: Pokemon Fire Red Language: English  Creator: Prof. Leon Dias Sources: The RAR contains the walkthrough document and screenshots of hidden item locations. The archive for my previous walkthroughs is found here . The PokemonCoders page for the walkthrough is also available now as another place where you can read it. Thanks to Admin Jeiboy for editing and publishing it. A big thanks to Leon and his team for this brief look at their game. Fingers crossed for the full game to done and released later in the year, it has the potential to be another hit :) To those of you checking out this content for the very first time, welcome. If you like it and would like to  support it, please do. None of this would be possible

Review: One Piece Live-Action Series (Netflix)

First release of the new year! Happy 2024 to you, I hope January hasn't been too harsh on you :)  I'll give the live-action series a 3 out of 5. It's not the greatest live-action adaptation ever made but it's a decent watch which won't leave you asking why you wasted your time watching it (like some other notorious adaptations...I'm still looking at you Dragon Ball E and Knights of the Zodiac). Great work as far as costumes, set designs, Easter eggs, references and the actors bringing the key characters to life. However, the series just leaves out a lot of the source material's charm because of the changes which were made, even though Oda was involved as an Executive Producer. Will things improve from season 2 onwards? We'll see. Enjoy the review and of course, let me know what you thought of the live-action series in the comments below. Cheers. (if you took a shot for every "good job" and "missed opportunity" said in the review, you